Weigh In

Monday, September 28, 2009

We went back to the doctor's office today for another "Well Baby" check-up. As usual we got to have the fun of finding out Jonah's new height and weight, but also the the not so fun task of getting his newest round of shots. As far as the height and weight go, our doctor still says that the coach for Iowa's football team will one day be knocking on our door. (Good luck finding us, cause we won't be in Iowa!) Jonah is currently weighing in at almost 17 pounds and stretches out to a long 26 inches. The doc says that he is strong, developing right on schedule and has great head movement. Jonah does have a little dry skin issue (dermatitis something or other) but it is mild and common. Just need to slather on a certain type of lotion and we're good! Jonah did a great job at the doctor's office and behaved super well. He was actually smiling a lot and talking up a storm to Dr. Phillips. (It probably helps that we have the sweetest doctor who himself has a four month old. He is also a sweet southern man originally from South Carolina and invited us to visit his church sometime.) After all the usual office visit stuff it was time for the shots. Jonah certainly did not enjoy that portion of the visit, but did ok and got a camouflage bandage for his efforts. He slept the rest of the day away, doped up on infant Tylenol.

Jonah is getting checked out by Dr. Phillips, but is looking to Daddy for reassurance.
Better hold on to Daddy's finger for good measure.
Looking cute and making Mama feel better about the impending shots.

The deed is done and he has the Band Aid to prove it.


Gramma said...

My goodness, he's sure growing fast! Bless his heart, shots aren't fun. :( He is holding up his head so well. You can tell he's very strong. The countdown is on...less than a month and I'll get to love on him to my heart's content. Can't wait!

Rebecca Jackson said...

Jonah is getting HUGE! I love the picture of him on his tummy holding up his head. He's adorable!

Betty Smith said...

Jonah is getting so big and so cute. I can't wait to see him.

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