Since his first day, Jonah has been a bit challenging to say the least. He has kept us on our toes and challenged everything that we thought we knew about kids before we entered into this venture. He has cried louder and longer than than we knew a baby could cry. And in the very next moment he blesses us with a gummy smile. (Jonah having a meltdown his first month of life. For gummy smiles, see previous blog.)
He has gone from being a tiny (well as tiny as 8 or 9 pounds can be) floppy newborn to a rapidly growing infant who is on his way to supporting himself (physically at least). (Jonah in his Boppy corralled by Grama's hands and on his own in his Bumbo.)
He is unlike a lot of babies, since he doesn't really like being in his car seat, but has found that facing out in his Baby Bjorn allows him to see the world, which he seems to really enjoy. Plus, taking our walks now lets me put goofy hats on him that are so cute!! (Getting ready to take a walk just last week.)
Love the Bumbo picture! What an expression. :)He's just sitting up there as-big-as-you-please. What a contrast from the newborn picture. He really has changed.
Jonah has grown so much over the past one hundred days! He barely looks like the same kid who was here in August. Can't wait to see him in December.
Love the pics. You forgot to say how he has wormed his way into our hearts deeper than we thought possible. Love you Jonah!!!
What a great looking kid! I too love the Bumbo picture! Katy
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