A Good Man

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I am sure that this will not be the last blog that I write bragging about my fantastically supportive husband. Truthfully I could write about him a lot, certainly more often than I do. I am reminded of his greatness after a trying day yesterday and night last night. As mentioned before, we are trying to do a nap routine with Jonah. It is not going great. He has been sleeping decently at night and has gotten easier to put down initially but we are still having trouble keeping him down. He sleeps for 30 minutes and then wakes. Letting him cry isn't doing any good because he has slept just enough to feel refreshed and WILL NOT go back to sleep. Yesterday he had 5 catnaps and was basically grumpy the rest of the time. We hoped that he would sleep better during the night but instead he woke every 3 1/2 hours instead of his now regular 5 1/2. Needless to say I was burnt out and nearly ran out the door when Andrew got home from work!

Here's where I brag on Andrew. Not only does he let me have "me" time, he forces me to take some and protects that time. He is tender and confident with Jonah and I can relax when he has him alone. At night he gets up with me at every feeding and changes Jonah when I'm done. He is often the one who puts him back in his bed as well. I thought that this was the norm, but book after book that I read seems to say other wise. They suggest that the husband try to help at night sometimes so the mom can get occasional rest. They also say that sometimes the dad won't get to see the kid at all at night because it goes to bed earlier. I can't see Andrew ever letting that be a regular occurrence!

In the night we talk about how Jonah is doing with this or that. At the end of the day I can become really down trodden with what seems like the lack of any real progress. In minutes Andrew can spin the situation to make me feel like we are improving in leaps and bounds. He always brings me back to reality when I have immersed myself in all of the hypothetical situations in the books I read. He reminds me that Jonah is healthy and so much happier than he was just a few weeks ago. And he reminds me that we are doing ok, and that's what matters most. All else will fall into place. I am such a better mom and a more stable person because of my husband. He is such a good man.


Gramma said...

You'll get no arguments from me! And you can let my favorite son-in-law know that cookies were mailed out yesterday. :)

Anonymous said...

PLease do not worry about the half hour power naps. Jackson use to do that and still does that on occasion. They grow out of it and find out how to put themselves back to sleep when they wake up. Remember they cannot form bad habits right now they are to young (that starts at 6 months). They just want to know you are there. Also, Jonah is sleeping way better then Jack- he still gets up every 2 hours or so to feed and I have to work in the morning! Katy Mc

Betty Smith said...

Your blog warms my mother's heart. God has blessed us with SIX wonderful children. Remember that it is your being a Godly wife that allows Andrew to be a Biblical husband. Love you all three. Life does truly get easier. Can't wait to see you. Plan on a date night , our treat, when we are there.

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