Jonah at the gym

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

As Jonah gets older, he is becoming more and more active. One of his favorite activities is to play at his "gym" (thanks to the Hulstrom's for giving it to Jonah). The video below shows Jonah working out. There are a few things I should note about the video. First, I haven't learned the fine art of narrating, so there's no sound. Second, the video is fairly boring. I'm sure Jonah's grandparents will probably watch it over and over, but it might be a little slow for some people. Third, sorry about the shaky video--my camera work still needs improvement. And fourth, Addyson makes a brief cameo in the video.

Jonah's gym time works out well for us, because it gives us an opportunity to put him down and get some things done around the house. During the day, Jonah doesn't like to take naps in his crib. When we do, he usually only sleeps for a few minutes and then starts to fuss. On the other hand, when we hold him he will sleep for a couple hours. This habit leaves us in a little bit of a predicament. If we put him down during the day, he doesn't sleep well. This means he won't sleep well at night. If we hold him so he sleeps well during the day, he will also sleep well at night. The problem is that we don't get much done because we are holding a 10-pound baby.

So far, we tend to side with holding Jonah so we can get as much sleep as possible at night. However, Vanessa and I have decided to start trying to get Jonah comfortable with taking naps in his crib during the day. This means we'll have a cranky baby for a little while, but hopefully it will pay off in the long run. Wish us luck!


Rebecca Jackson said...

Oh, this too shall pass. As hard as it is right now, I promise that it will get better. You will come to a time, perhaps a few months down the road, when you won't be able to remember what life was like "before". Before Jonah, before the crying, before the peeing, before the pooping, before the sleepless nights, just before. Hang in there and know that it will get better. I promise!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about holding him you guys are just trying to survive. Jack is the same way he. He also has reflux and would only sleep if we were holding him or in his car seat. At 9 weeks he is finally taking naps by himself. Don't be so hard on yourselfs throw the books away and just listen to your baby. It looks like you guys are doing great to me.
Katy Mc

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