Flying Solo

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today Jonah and I went on our first outing alone. No Gramma. No Daddy. Just us. I must say, it was a little daunting to head out without any accompaniment but it was something that I knew must be done sometime. Andrew went to work and Jonah and I headed to the mall. We were looking for something to wear in family pictures that will be taking place when we get out to California. I made sure to feed him before we left, as being hungry is his biggest complaint in life. All in all he did really well. Though he didn't sleep at all he was great in the car and even held it together while Mommy stayed a little too long at Gymboree. After a little snack (for him, not me) we headed home. Today gave me hope for all of the times in the future when Daddy will be at work and it will be just us, trying to find ways to occupy our days. Baby steps I suppose.


Mary said...

Hip hip and hooray! Hope is a GREAT thing to have. You'll figure something out only to have it change in a month, but hey... they keep you on your toes. Loving the ride.

Gramma said...

Way to go punkin. I knew you could do it and it will get easier. Well, some things get easier and then new things crop up. :)

Rebecca Jackson said...

So proud of you girl! The first time is ALWAYS the hardest. Pretty soon, you won't even hesitate to "go it alone". Noah and I are off to the market for supplies for Fish Taco Tuesday. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
love ya!

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