Waiting Game

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

That about sums up our life right now. We are officially in the waiting game. My last day at work was Friday the 29th and it couldn't have come soon enough. I knew that once I left there would be a lot of twiddling my thumbs, but at least I wouldn't have to be on my feet as much and could be on my own schedule. Since then I have worked my way down our checklist of things to do before Jonahs arrival. (I use "I" loosely since a lot of the stuff I can't physically do on my own anymore and in turn Andrew's honey-do list has seen it's fair share of additions.) Here are a few examples.

Bag packed? Check. Jonah's coming home outfit ready? Check. Birth plan written? Check. Grocery store stock up done? Check. Clothes ready for when I am no longer pregnant, but NOT my old size either? Check. Various other things done that have nothing to do with Jonah's arrival and are altogether not really necessary? Check. Looks about right to me!

Sidenote: We had a procedure done on Friday the 5th to kind of "prep" everything to move in the direction of labor. It was not an induction method, but more of a preventative one trying to lessen the chances of him going overdue or needing a C-section. Time will tell if it worked!


Betty Smith said...

I remember those last weeks have at least 10-12 days in them. Your belly pictures were great. I am so glad your Mom will be there next Saturday. Sorry we won't meet Jonah right away but will be there very soon. We have all of your stuff in a pile ready to pack in the car. Love you both.

Anonymous said...

I, too, well remember those last days! In fact, it was 31 years ago right now that BOTH Nanas were awaiting the birth of sons -- Luke and Andrew!! Love,msb

Deb said...

Hi Friend!!! I am so sad I have been so busy but know you are in such a great place in your life starting your family! I love you and think about you everyday - Miss you... We love you Deb & B

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