Jonah is nocturnal

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Apparently Vanessa gave birth to a nocturnal child. Jonah loves to keep us up at night and sleep through the day. Last night he ate at midnight, 1:30am, 2:30am, and 3:30am. After his 3:30 feeding he was wide awake and happy as a clam. Vanessa and I took turns holding him as he looked around and made some awesome (and hysterical) faces. Around 4 he went to sleep and didn't wake up until 7:30, which means we got 3 and a half hours of glorious sleep. During the day, his feedings are generally 3-4 hours apart, but at night, they are more like 1-1.5 hours apart. Based on the books we've read and the advice we've gotten, we aren't going to worry too much about Jonah's schedule for a few days. Then, Vanessa and I will try to get him onto a more consistent schedule with his feedings spread 2.5-3 hours apart throughout the day (rather than being clustered at night). I'm sure the process of getting him onto a schedule will be quite an adventure.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was that Jonah's "coming-home" outfit was the same outfit I wore when I came home from the hospital 31 years ago. My dad picked out the outfit for me, so Vanessa and I thought it would be nice for Jonah to wear on his first road-trip. The pictures I posted yesterday don't show the outfit all that well, so here are a couple more. The above picture is of me struggling to put him into his clothes. Vanessa was trying to help out (while laughing), but it still took me a while to get him dressed. The picture below is of Jonah looking cute in the hospital before we came home.

Well, I think it is time to join Vanessa and Jonah and take a nap. As always, thanks for all the support (and comments). We certainly appreciate it.

2 comments: said...

absolutely love this blog!

Brent Hulstrom said...

That is pretty amazing your dad still had the outfit you came home in! The only thing I still have that is that old are these underwear...

I can't wait to hear how you felt at the hospital during the birth, for me it was crazy!

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