15 Months...and 16 too!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It is so hard to stay up on Jonah's monthly stats anymore! I swear time is actually going by faster. Truly. Anyway here he is in both his 15 month photo (top) and his 16 month photo (bottom). We are finding it harder and harder to get him to sit still long enough to get any still shots, so these are really just the best we have! At his 15 month check up he was 31 inches long and 25 pounds 11 ounces.

Besides his physical changes, his personality changes and emerging interests and abilities are what really amaze me most about my growing Jonah. His vocabulary encompasses the following as of late: Mama (sometimes "baba"), Dada, Nana (don't tell Gramma), baby (all children, photos of children, reflections of himself and his own shadow), Aigon/Addiga (Addyson and all cats), ba (ball and book), a "vrooming", zerbert noise for car (or anything with wheels like bikes, rolling luggage, etc.), mmmaaaaa (cows) and "huh huh", a throaty barking noise for all dogs. He has been blowing on his food to "cool it down", even on unnecessary items like Cheerios. He is also regularly using the signs for "more, please, all done, outside, and shoe".

While Gramma was here she taught him how to say "tickle tickle" while tickling feet; which he will now do to yours and his own. He also learned how to sniff flowers with her and will still do it unprompted while out on walks. Jonah loves to "drive" just about anything around the house, whether it has wheels or not, and will do so for lengthy spans of time. Daddy and Dudey take walks and play outside daily with Jonah leading the way. He loves to explore, point out noises, and climb. He is even learning the concept of kicking his soccer ball. And just the other day he discovered the moon for the first time. So fun!


Rebecca Jackson said...

Oh my goodness...he is getting SOOOOOOO big!!! Jonah is looking more and more like his Daddy. Can't wait to see you guys in December!

Mary Akina said...

So so fun is an understatement! I love that he somehow knows the signs for shoes.... Vanessa? Is he wearing your heels yet?? Love you guys, can't wait to see you three.

Gramma said...

He also learned to drink out of a straw! Love the "just chillin'" look in the 15th month shot.

Vanessa Smith said...

I wish I could take credit for the "shoes" sign, but Nana taught that one :) And I forgot that he recently started drinking out of a straw too! Thanks for keeping tabs Gramma :)

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