Thoughts From a Friend

Monday, May 25, 2009

A friend of my mother's, who in turn has become a friend of mine, wrote me a lovely message the other day. With her permission I am posting it below. I loved it because of the obvious emotion contained in it, and the fact that she got lost in her own thoughts and memories of her life as the mother of a boy. I decided to post it because of all of the ladies I know who have had boys recently and might also be blessed by a glimpse of a mother's heart who has raised a boy too. All of the little guys that are toddling around now may be small, but they will be big someday. And we will still be their mothers. Thanks Pam.

You two do a very good job with the entertaining writing. I love it. And yes, I love the "knowing glances" part. Its a club and it ain't for sissys (sp). The pregnancy, the birth, the taking care of a newborn. We mothers "know" we know that you can't explain how exhausting it is, how thankless, yet rewarding it is. We can tell new moms-to-be about it but until you are there you really can't understand. The moments you share locking eyes with this little person while you're breast feeding, or feeding a bottle, doesn't matter which, who will NOT let you be, will NOT let you sleep, will NOT let you have a shower in peace...just about the time you think "oh my gosh, I can't do it, surely this is a mistake, it's not supposed to be this hard" you share that moment that cannot be shared with anyone else but you and this little soul looking at you like you are IT. You are the sun and the moon. Little do they know you feel like they are the sun and the moon. The first time you go in to get them when they wake up for an early morning feeding and you feel like... gah! what?! and you walk in and they give you that toothless grin cuz they're so happy you're up too! What a coincidence, they're and me up at the same time! And being the mom of a boy is fantastic. You're going to love it. Wyatt used to get up soooo early just to get up. Not hungry so much as just wantin' some company. He was so happy to see me, with his heavy pee pee diaper hanging way down between his legs. We'd get up, get cleaned up and fresh, eat and head out for a 7am walk. When he started talking he would tell me the funniest things when we were out walking. Moms and their boys share a special bond. Okay so I'm babbling. Sorry. Just bringing back fond memories...... don't worry about the teenage years. I'll let you in a secret, they never ever really hate you. Its just not good to be a momma's boy, a guy could get his butt kicked. They don't become comfortable with that again until around 22 or I'm told. I'm waiting for my little man to think I'm all that again. :)
Good luck. Stay inside where its cool.


Betty Smith said...

Pam is right. So to my wonderful daughter and two daughters-in-law, being the mother of a son is an incredible gift. Children are a gift from the Lord. I really believe it. I have six of the greatest adult children!
I love you all
Betty/Mom and now Nana

Rebecca Jackson said...

I wake Noah up every morning at 6:30. He's a bit of a slow riser, but after a few S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S, he looks up at me and has the biggest smile in the world. Nothing can compare to that moment. It makes all the hard moments disappear. Little boys are truly the greatest!!!

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