Our Second Substitute

Thursday, May 28, 2009

As Jonah's arrival gets closer and closer, Vanessa and I continue to try out his baby products. Normally, we have Addyson fill in as a substitute for Jonah (described here). However, while Addyson is a good sport, her patience does sometimes run out. When that happens, we use our second substitute—Green Monkey. He is a little over 20 inches tall, doesn't say much, and has floppy limbs. In other words, he's just like a baby.

I installed the car seat and then had to figure out how it works. Monkey was kind enough to sit very still as I fidgeted with the buckles and straps. It took a little while, but I think I'll be able to get Jonah strapped in with minimal trouble when the time comes.

Later, I tried on Jonah's baby carrier. Those Baby Bjorn's are a little difficult to put on, so I thought I should practice a few times. Again, Green Monkey was very cooperative. He didn't even complain when I tried to stick his leg into the wrong hole. I think I need some more practice.

We now have less than three weeks until his Jonah's due date. Everyone keeps saying that the time will fly by, but these last few weeks seem to be dragging on and on. When Vanessa and I had a lot to do to prepare for his arrival, it was nice that we had so much time. Now that we are basically ready for him, June 16th can't come soon enough. Obviously, there are times when I am a little freaked out about having a baby, but for the most part, I am ready and really excited.


Noah Stone Jackson said...

Hey Jonah, I'm four months today...that's old.
How old are you?

Melissa said...

hey vanessa...hang in there! it sounds like you guys are more ready than you think :) andrew looks great sporting that bjorn...i would say get as much sleep as you can but that is very hard to do for a 9 month pregnant woman!! ha
i feel your pain adam and i are counting down the days til we out of SF and it's getting painfully slow!!! lots of luck :) xoxo mel

Betty Smith said...

You will be teriffic parents!!!!! Um Andrew, the baby needs to be turned to your chest for the first several months!!!!!! I always thought the last couple of weeks dragged also. Can't wait to see Jonah.
I love you

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