Playing with puzzles

Monday, May 9, 2011

Recently we've been teaching Jonah his letters.  He now knows almost the entire alphabet (as long as they are capital letters).  He's still having a little trouble with some of the letters.  Ws, for example, he turns upside down and calls them Ms.  Pretty clever, really.

Now that Jonah knows a bunch of the letters, he likes to point them out whenever he can.  In some ways, it has turned into a little game for us.  While driving around, he'll call out a letter and Vanessa and I have to try and find out where he saw it.  It could be a sign on a building, maybe a licence plate or bumper sticker--you just never know.

We don't have a video of Jonah saying the letters yet, but we do have a fun video of him putting the letters into his puzzle.  The video is a bit long (about 3 and a half minutes), but it is cute watching him figure out where all the pieces go.  A couple things to watch for.  In the beginning he calls out the B.  He also says one of his current favorite phrases.  "Oh no!"  We hear that one a lot these days.  Enjoy.


Mimi said...

He's a genius! Maybe that's spoken with a bit of bias.
I also heard an "I did it" which he's been saying for months, but now it's actually in context!
I can watch this over and over. Can't wait to see him. :)

Rebecca Jackson said...

Love this! "Oh, no" is just precious. "I did it" is too cute. Can't wait to see this little guy...and you guys too.

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