
Thursday, June 17, 2010

The day after Stacey and Jared's wedding, the Iowa Smiths, Jacksons, Reeds, and Akinas headed to Cambria for a quick jaunt to the beach. Between tired moms, melting down kids, and inclement weather it ended up being an even quicker jaunt than originally anticipated, but at least we made it! Being Cambria, the beach was a little less "beach" and a little more "rocky cove", but it was still beautiful and a welcome sight for my eyes. (I didn't realize how often I went to the coast as a California resident until we moved to a landlocked state and I no longer had the option.)

Amidst the rocks we found a little patch of sand for Jonah to squish between his fingers. Cuz Noah was not a fan of the cold, wet sand but Jonah didn't seem to care at all. Jonah also loved the tide pools that were nestled in between the rocks. He is drawn to water and, though it was cold, he splashed and splashed his feet and hands in it. His only objection to the experience at all was when I took him out!

We tried to point out the sea lions lounging on the rocks in the distance, but they were a little too camouflaged for him to see. He had plenty to point out himself though (pointing is one of his newest tricks) with Gramma and Pop Pop, rocks, birds, and waves all around. The excursion was not at all what I expected it to be, but it ended up being a cool time none the less.


Katie Empkey said...

It's kind of hard to believe that your mom is a grandma. I mean, she could be your SISTER! I don't think that she's aged a day since we were 15.

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