Sicky Household

Monday, January 4, 2010

So sorry for the delay in blogging. I have had the best of intentions since we got back from California to write a big holiday update detailing our awesome first Christmas with little man. Unfortunately my efforts have been thwarted left and right by illness. While in California Jonah began teething and was uncomfortable a lot of the time. We had brief flashbacks of our colic days as he sometimes cried well into the night. With the help of an always-willing-to-cradle-Nana we made it through though. (We will certainly post pictures of teeth when they are a little more visible.) When we returned to Iowa, Jonah's teething turned into a cold complete with runny nose and cough. Then Andrew got it. Then I did. Then, I got worse. After being up sick all night 2 nights ago (I will spare the not so pleasant details), and having a sharp pain when I breathed, and running a fever over 103, Andrew took me to the emergency room while a friend watched Jonah. Turns out I have pneumonia!! What fun. After 3 and a half hours, 2 bags of IV fluid and 2 antibiotic prescriptions I got to go home.

We were back to the business of recouping today until I called the pediatrics office to tell them about my pneumonia and see if we needed to do anything for Jonah. When I told them about his persistent cough they suggested we bring him in. Good news: clear lungs. Bad news: ear infection. We were surprised because his behavior has been amazing, all things considered, so maybe it was caught early. That being said I hope to have a good blog, with darling pictures (of which there are many) up very soon.


Melissa said...

Ahh Vanessa I am so sorry!! It is so hard being sick while taking care of the household...and man you got it bad! YIKES...take good care of yourself and I will pray for a healthy Iowa Smith home :)Tell Andrew to give that adorable newphew of mine xoxo

Rebecca Jackson said...

Well..I guess that means you should have spent more time in CA. Perhaps you three are allergic to Iowa;).

We'll be praying for better health for the three of you. Take care of yourself, get loads of rest, and hopefully the antibiotics will do their thing.

Gramma said...

You're all in our prayers, as always. Take care and stay warm. I see from the weather update posted on the site that it's -6 there right now; so much for staying warm. :(

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