Here is our good old picture next to Green Monkey. It took us five months of pictures, but we finally got a monthly photo with a smile. YEAH!! I like to think that it was my birthday present. Thanks buddy.
In the last month Jonah has picked up some new fascinations and talents. Just after he turned 4 months old he found his tongue and took to sticking it out often.
More recently he has become enamored with his feet. It probably helps that I always have some colorful socks or shoes or booties in the shape of dinosaur feet on him, but for whatever reason they've got his attention. It makes feeding a little harder cause he's always doubling over to look at them, and changing his diaper a little harder because he's always bringing them up to his face.
The greatest feat with his feet yet, is when he chews on them. Flexible little bugger that he is he just pulls them on up and pops them in his mouth. Sometimes I get him up from a nap and one of his socks is soaking wet, but he most often does it in the bath when his feet are wet and clean. It may be weird looking, a baby chewing on his feet, but at least he's somewhat hygienic about it!
I'm LOL on these. So cute! Happy birthday to you both. My life is richer because of you.
Happy Birthday to you both! There are so many cool things I could do if I was flexible enought to put my feet in my mouth. Maybe Jonah can teach me one day!
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