Brand New Boy

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I didn't want to jump the gun and say it out loud too soon, but I think that we've got a brand new boy on our hands! We couldn't be happier! Here's how it happened...

The day before we left for California Jonah had the worst day that he'd ever had. He screamed the whole day and was in meltdown mode from morning to night. It was so overwhelming that I had to call Andrew and ask him to come home from work early. All it did was add to my fear about going home, but as stated in an earlier blog he did phenomenally well when travel day came. Not only that but he did really well overall the whole time we were in California. He began smiling more, even at night which was always his worst time and had never seen a smile before. He only had a few fussy budget times (level 2 on our fussy scale) and never had a full fledged meltdown. I wanted to be cautiously optimistic but thought more than once, "What if he's gonna do better now? What if the day before we left was the worst of it and the 'fussy fever' broke?"

Well it turns out that might actually be the case. We have been home for a few days now and Jonah's good temperament has continued. We have not had one meltdown from little man since we have returned. The nighttime smiles have continued and he has even taken to falling asleep without a crying session first. He either whimpers a bit first or sometimes just closes his eyes and sleeps. That was unheard of before we left! I am still wary of it all since all I have known up until now is a fussy baby, but if this is our new world then I'll take it!!

Here's Jonah's 2 month photo with Green Monkey. He doesn't even need the Boppy to hold him anymore, we just propped him up in the corner of the couch! He is getting so big!


Betty Smith said...

Good job Jonah man!! All along he was telling you that he needed to visit California, you just could not understand baby scream. Love you and miss holding you.

Mary Akina said...

Woo hoo!! Glad you have a new normal.

Melissa said...

YEAH!! Vanessa that is awesome, what a relief for you guys!! Enjoy this moment...I bet it's just beautiful for you. We loved seeing you and baby Jonah, what a precious little guy he is.

Gramma said...

He is just too precious for words! He is growing so fast and I know the transformation when I see him in October will be incredible!

Amanda said...

I love this blog!! I read the whole thing..its like I was right there with you the whole time :) Glad to hear everything just keeps getting better and better! It was so amazing seeing you and your new little man! Love you guys!

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